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How do my choices affect the planet?


How green is your current transport method?

Remember that driving just 25 fewer miles each week can save 1,500lbs of CO2 - about the same size as a Hot Air Balloon!


Why is it important to inform others

Information is power. Global challenges such as climate change, human rights and health and wellbeing can be combated by creating awareness of the issues and providing simple, practical solutions that can be implemented by corporations and households alike.

Information is like compost; it does no good unless you spread it around

Teach to Achieve via New Ways of Thinking


Awareness is the first step to creating change. Recognising the environmental and social impact of your company empowers you to start building a sustainable future.


Find out what other companies similar to you have done to implement changes to their operations. How has it improved their workplace and their environmental footprint?


Start to think about what real changes you can make at home, in your community and in your business. Taking even small steps in the right direction can create measurable impact to society.


Create a customised solution that is practical for your home and company. There is no blueprint for success in implementing sustainable, ethical and social changes. Find out what works for you and follow through.


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