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How can you make your home greener?




Implement Switch at Home

Our SWITCH model is not just applicable to businesses; carrying out sustainable practices at home is a vital aspect of our transition to a better future. Even simple actions such as recycling, reducing waste and decreasing energy consumption can have a measurable impact on our communities and the world we live in.

Home is what you take with you, not what you leave behind

Empowering the Next Generation

Educate Employees

Demonstrating ways in which improvements can be made at both work and home is the first step to enlightening employees of the benefits of SWITCH.

Smart Takeaways

By implementing changes to the way we work and putting them into practice on a daily basis, employees will find that they become second nature, and will instinctively find ways to translate these changes into their home life.

The Next Generation

Parents are the ultimate role models for children when it comes to ethics. If the SWITCH model becomes a part of daily life and routine for children from a young age, it will be a force of habit to abide by when they are older.

The New Normal

If the next generation grows up with the SWITCH way of thinking ingrained into their lives, they will naturally educate their children to follow suit.


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