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5 Tips to Reduce Paper in Your Company

Overuse of paper is a consistent source of waste for many businesses, but it is also easily preventable. Moving towards a paperless system is a simple way to start introducing sustainable and ethical practices in the workplace and can even be beneficial to your bottom line in the long term.

Listed below are a few ideas for inspiration:

1.) Digitalise where possible: If you use paper in your operations for delivery notes, invoices, etc. consider whether they could be accessed digitally instead.

2.) Build a sustainable company culture: Allow your employees to share in the collective goal of reducing waste in the workplace. If sustainability is part of your company culture, employees will feel encouraged to take ownership of their individual paper usage.

3.) Have a company printing policy: Communicate your goal of reducing paper by setting out a company policy on what can and cannot be printed. This could be in the form of posters near the printers, i.e., 'Think Before You Print'.

4.) Use dual monitors: A study by Dell showed that using dual monitors boosts productivity in the workplace and reduces the need for notetaking and printing.

5.) Install recycling bins: If paper is used, ensure that it is disposed of responsibly by making recycling bins readily available throughout the workplace.

'The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.' - Robert Swan

Author: Shirley Carruthers - Content Creator at ParkerSteel

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First published on 10/01/23

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